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Small Steps, Big Changes: Ankhi Mondal's Journey of Determination and Progress

Success is often the result of persistent, small efforts made consistently over time—a truth vividly illustrated by Ankhi Mondal and her family. Ankhi, a dedicated student at Udaan since 2019, initially struggled with basic movements and tasks due to her condition. Before the COVID outbreak, she could barely sit, stand, or move from a lying position.

However, her journey took a transformative turn when she was admitted to Udaan for ongoing therapy. Regular physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy sessions have led to significant improvements. Ankhi can now sit independently for extended periods, stand, and walk a few steps with some support. This progress is a testament not only to the dedicated therapy she receives but also to the unwavering commitment of her parents.

Traveling approximately two hours each way on a two-wheeler with Ankhi on her mother’s lap, they defy social stigma and marginalization with remarkable perseverance. Despite their limited resources, they follow therapist guidance meticulously at home, even crafting their own therapeutic equipment when necessary. Their resolve and ingenuity embody the spirit of “where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Ankhi’s remarkable progress is a shining example of what can be achieved with relentless effort and love. Their journey serves as an inspiration to us all, demonstrating that with determination and support, even the smallest efforts can lead to extraordinary changes.


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