NIIT Foundation Upgrades Syllabus for Computer Literacy Courses at Jan Seva

On December 11, 2024, NIIT Foundation conducted an online Training of the Trainer (TOT) session to upgrade the syllabus for the Basic and Tally courses offered to computer literacy students at Jan Seva. The session was attended by Sonali Lodh, our dedicated Computer Trainer, who participated in the course upgrade to stay current with the latest curriculum changes.
As computer education continues to evolve, it is essential to regularly update the syllabus to ensure that both trainers and students benefit from the most relevant and effective content. Following the training, a certificate was issued to Sonali Lodh, acknowledging her completion of the syllabus upgradation course.
Such training sessions are vital for trainers to remain updated with advancements in the field, ensuring that students receive high-quality, relevant education in computer literacy. This commitment to continuous learning helps both the trainers and students thrive in an ever-developing technological landscape.
