Taking Education Online at UDAAN

Due to the worldwide pandemic caused by the COVID – 19 virus, regular schooling for the special children of ‘UDAAN’ could not be continued in Jan Seva. To keep the children constructively pre-occupied in the comfort of their homes, the special educators, decided to initiate online classes via mobiles and smart phones with the guidance of the Program Administrator, Mrs. Sarita Dhir from 13th May, 2020. With these online classes, it was also ensured that children would be connected and would not forget the activities which had been earlier taught to them, according to their disability and capability, respectively.
These online classes were goal oriented covering domains like communication, academic, behavior modification, art and craft and activities of daily living (ADL). The method used by the teachers was simple and could be comprehended by the guardians, easily. That is, at first the parents were taught and instructed by the educators, which they later taught to their respective wards. Sometimes Worksheets were created by teachers, via which the child was taught. Computers and Smart phones were also used by the teachers to show the children photos of various objects, who were incapable of writing due to cerebral palsy. Orally, questions were asked and rhymes were taught to them, via mobile phones. The parents were asked to maintain home-work copies with dates of various assignments completed by their wards, which will be later assessed and reviewed, after the resumption of ‘UDAAN’ classes, in the near future.
These online classes are a great success and the children are responding very well, under the guidance of their parents and teachers. Despite difficult times and network problems, both parents and teachers are relentlessly working very hard towards the development and progress of the special children from the safety and security of their respective homes.