A Loving Tribute to a Grandfather from her Granddaughter

It was the end of the year in which I had lost my grandfather and I wanted to do something different in his memory, so I Visited SICW (Society of Indian children Welfare). I was very grateful to visit the children.
We went during the play time in the sun and the children were approximately 3 -5 year olds. All the children were rejoicing and were not ready to leave me. They wanted me to visit again they were calling me Didi (sister) which made me feel like they knew me well. The children were playing on slides, driving toy cars and on seesaws. There was a child who was continuously crying and not letting anyone play. I did not know how they would react to me, if they will like me or not. They were pulling me from everywhere possible. It made me so happy and reminded me of my childhood.

SICW Is a well run organisation. It was a brightly lit, very clean, a nice spacious place for children to play. The helpers were also very good they were keeping an eye on each and every child.
I would love to visit them again
Saira Dua (14)