Awareness Programme on Accidents, Injuries and Child Care Practices

A child in a family carries a whole range of emotions. Some are quiet and some are naughty. A parent who manages the house and who manages work outside has to deal with a lot of problems concerning the child. Children are always up to some mischief which might cause minor or major accidents and injuries. So parents need to be extra cautious to protect- their children from any such happenings.
CHP team organised an awareness programme on accidents, injuries and child care practices. Topics like management of lice, small burns, small cuts, maintaining cleanliness of the child etc were discussed. 150 participants were present in the programme. The concerned parents raised questions regarding different topics and solutions to their problem. The parents also shared some traditional knowledge regarding herbs and plants used to treat cuts and wounds.

The CHP team showed the parents the correct technique to wash hands to protect them from germs. The Team also made a First-Aid box with medicines required for cuts, wounds and burns. They demonstrated the medicines that should be in the box, specifying the use of sterilized materials for cleaning and dressing wounds. Leaflets were distributed for further knowledge.
A short term evaluation was done were 96% participants could answer the questions correctly on the topics discussed.

This was an inhouse awareness programme conducted at Jan Seva Premises on the 26th & 29th of November and attended by 150 parents from creche 1-6