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Awareness Program on Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose also called blood sugar is too high. Blood glucose is our main source of energy and it comes from food we eat. It is aggravated by mainly lifestyle factors like physical inactivity, stress, overweight and also from genes.

The CHP team along with Dr. Hartnett organized an awareness programme on the topic diabetes. A total of 12 participants were present. These participants are actually the patients of the OPD department of the mother and child clinic. The CHP team discussed the topic diabetes, its causes, effects, precautions. The team also shared a diet chart for the diabetic patients.

At the end of the session blood sugar test was held with the patients. Out of 12 patients, 6 patients had normal blood sugar level, 3 patients’ blood sugar was very low due to lack of dietary intake and the remaining 3 patients had high blood sugar. Out of this 3 patients 2 of the patients had no idea that they had high blood sugar, one of their measurement being 152 mg/dl and the other one 173 mg/dl. The patients were then advised to attend Dr. Hartnett’s mother and child clinic for management and treatment.

A short term evaluation was done were 91% participants could answer correctly to the questions.

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