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CHP Awareness Program on Anaemia

Anaemia is a very common disease that is widespread in India. According to National Family Health Survey report of 2016, 58.6%of children, 53.2% of non-pregnant women and 50.4% of pregnant women were found to be anaemic in the age group of 15-49 years. India carries the highest number of anaemic patient every year despite of having an anaemia control programme for 50 years.

Anaemia is a disease where the level of red blood cells or the level of haemoglobin in our body is lower than normal. Which means our body does not have enough oxygen. Anaemia can be caused for various reasons and it is most common in this present generation due to dietary deficiency, malabsorbtion of nutrients, inherited disorders like Thalassaemia, hormone disorder, blood loss, drugs and alcohol intake, infections, etc.

From home visit surveys it was found that the community where CHP team works has many anaemic patients ranging from 15 years to 30 years of age. So CHP team conducted an Awareness programme in ward No. 107 on Anaemia on 18/10/2019 where the numbers of participants were 20. In which 11 participants were anaemic.

In the awareness programme CHP team showed a documentary movie showing the signs and symptoms of Anaemia and also its causes. The team than explained the treatment and diet to overcome Anaemia and advised the participants to get a check up and blood test from the mother and child clinic of Jan Seva.

A short term evaluation was done were 95% of participant could answer properly to the questions that were asked. At the end of the session biscuits and fruit juice were distributed to the participants.

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