Awareness Program on Dengue

The West Bengal Govt. has taken an initiative to regulate Anti-Dengue campaign all over the state. They have campaigned through mass media like advertisements, leaflets and posters. They have provided mosquito sprays in every household, free blood test, weekly checking of water logging in households etc to control mosquito breeding cycle. But these initiatives are mainly done during monsoon, before or after monsoon. Most of population know that mosquito is a vector that causes diseases like Dengue, malaria, Chikungunya etc in the monsoon season. But due to global warming the mosquito breeding cycle has changed and it has adapted itself to each season. It is a myth that dengue occurs only during Monsoon. Dengue is one of the diseases that affect most of the population of Kolkata and other parts of West Bengal. It is observed that Kolkata has the most Dengue positive cases. It has caused a huge number of deaths in its initial years. Though the death percentage has reduced in number but the myth still remains unchanged. So CHP team steps in to break the myth to their ECCE parents about Dengue.
The field areas of CHP team are prone to mosquito breeding. The Canal side areas are prone to water logging and stagnant water which increases the chances of mosquito breeding all around the year.
CHP team wanted to impart knowledge regarding dengue for which they prepared cards with pictures depicting the following common queries, such as:
What is Dengue?
Which mosquito species causes it?
How does it spread?
What are the symptoms?
What are their treatments?
What are the precautions?
An ice breaking game was played as a session for more participation interaction. The cards were distributed among the parents so that they can identify the pictures and interact with the team. They would share their knowledge then the CHP team would explain the pictures further. The parents were asked to share their experience. The parents also complained that in the households of Naskarhat and Ruby area of Ward No. 107 have not received any such facilities from the Government. So CHP team asked them to contact their ward counsellor or local club and requested them to see that they receive these facilities. They should also keep their areas clean and spray bleaching powder as it kills mosquito larvae.
A short evaluation was done where the participants were asked questions regarding Dengue. 92% could recall what was shared in the session. They also claimed that the session was very informative as they get confused between malaria and Dengue and they would follow all the precautions to keep their family healthy.
DATE: 15/7/19 & 26/7/19