Stories of Hope: With a Little Help Arisa Lights up to a Bright Childhood

Before joining Jan Seva, Arisa was admitted to Kidzee school but after attending it for four days, the school refused to keep her any more. She then joined UDAAN Creche in JAN SEVA from June 6, 2017.
Since then,
• She has improved her communication skills, both receptive and expressive. She identifies and says many words meaningfully at home and school. She has been attending speech therapy classes.
• She has improved her socialization skill. At first she used to cry at school, but now she is quite stable and likes to stay with her peers.
• After attending the special education class she has been improving in writing skills (colouring, drawing, tracing and copying).
• She gets psychological and medical support from JANSEVA.
After recommendation from JAN SEVA doctor, Arisa was sent for some physical and psychological tests. As a result, the family has become aware and can now understand her problem and diagnosis.
ARISA SINGH Age: nearly 5 Years Disabilty: Delayed Development with autistic features. Admission to Jan Seva: nearly 1 year