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A Message from Our Chairperson Emeritus for the Festive Season

Its that time of the year in all across India when people are celebrating the Festive Season from Durga Puja to Muharram and Dussehra to Diwali.

But in all this celebration, I’d like all of you to stop and reflect a bit.

While you are celebrating, there are millions of Children in the Country and around the globe who are thinking about where there next morsel of food will come from.

At the board meeting for our NGO we were talking about "helping special needs children with educational sponsorship” and it upset us to hear hardly anybody wants to help these, kids

Everyone wants to help bright students!!!

My question to all of you "who will help these?

Can anyone answer me? Please HELP them.


This is for my children adoptees in India and all over the world, Parents of adoptees and all those not involved with adoption!!!

The other day I was asked "In your fifty year of paediatric practice what was the most glorious moment?”

And pop came the answer “The expression on the Mother's Face, when she first holds her baby handed over to her in her lap! Bliss. Love. Tears.”

This love affair started over forty years ago, with a dear Swedish friend, whose friend wanted to give a needy girl child a home!!

And so a baby girl was rescued by this Swedish friend, from the streets of Calcutta, and given a place in their home, and then placed in another couple's heart!!


I'll be writing more about my thoughts and you can expect a letter from me every month henceforth.

God Bless you all.

Amen Dr. Zarin Dadina Chairperson Emeritus, SICW You Can Make A Difference To A Child's Life, click to DONATE

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