A dream coming true for a healthy and secure future

Jinat Khatoon, a 10 year old girl joined SICW evening class from July 2014. She has mild mental retardation and was a very shy girl when she joined us. She has never been to school before as her parents did not have the financial capacity. Gradually she is coming out of her shell, and has learnt few rhymes and is able to write her name and do single digit addition by herself. She follows simple instructions given by her teachers. Our teachers are also very happy with her progress. We have got her admission at Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy (IICP). She commutes to school independently by School Bus, which has enhanced her self esteem and confidence. SICW takes care of her school and bus fees. It’s a dream come true for Jinat and her family and we are putting in all our efforts to give her a healthy and secure future.