Anushka's fabulous journey from Udaan to Union Chapel School

Anushka Sharma is a cheerful and intelligent girl. She is unable to walk. She has uncontrolled bladder functions and we regularly supply her with diapers, so that accidents are avoided and she can attend regular classes. Her education had been delayed on these grounds and a simple solution has brought about a remarkable change in her and her families lives. She lives in a nuclear family with her parents. Her mother is a house wife and her father works in an electronic shop. His monthly income is Rs. 4000. Anushka attended special education class at JAN SEVA “UDAAN” from May, 2014. She is left handed.
Mr Chetri, senior physiotherapist from the Institute of Cerebral Palsy has worked with Anushka in the Bimonthly Clinic and has arranged for gaiters and AFO shoes to enable her to walk with support. Her right leg is slightly smaller than the left and the AFO shoes with appropriate platform have enabled her to balance herself and walk sideways with support. She receives regular physiotherapy by our physiotherapist, Simpson Makhal under the supervision of Mr. Chetri and her parents are also counseled on the exercises they should carry out at home.
UDAAN has brought about a sea change in her life. She loves coming to school and is enthusiastically picks up all taught to her.
With the help of SICW / Udaan and Mrs. Sarita Dhir, our administrator, today Anushka has been placed into mainstream education in the Union Chapel School in Central Calcutta in Class I. We wholeheartedly thank ‘Pathways to Children’ our benevolent sponsor for helping us to initiate her educational programme and her pro efficient physiotherapy in Jan Seva, Udaan.