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Right to Life

We firmly believe that every human being has the inherent right to life and shall take all necessary measures to ensure its effective enjoyment by persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others.


Right to Communication & Expression

All children have the right to express what they want and how they feel. But this is not always easy to do. Some children may not be able to speak clearly enough for everyone to understand them, while others may not be able to speak at all. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is any strategy that we follow, that helps a child participate and communicate better at home and at school. 


Right to Education

Some special students are excluded from joining the educational system on the basis of an impairment, without any other education opportunity provided. Others are sent to schools designed to respond to a particular impairment, usually in a special-education system, and are thus segregated from the other students. Finally, some are integrated in mainstream schools so long as they can adjust to the schools’ standards. We have set up a role model system for their education in schools and in the “HOME” whereby they are all mainstreamed.


Right to Protection

Human Rights Watch documented cases of women and girls who had faced physical, sexual and verbal abuse at the hands of caretakers in institutions, many of whom are not adequately trained. We have tried to ensure Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse. All children are well protected and facilities are provided for a safe and healthy environment free from suppression. CCTV cameras are installed which are monitored. Strict termination is practiced in case of any untoward incident that can compromise on a child’s safety.


Right to Development

As the 24th Special Session of the UN General Assembly:Social Development (26 June-1 July 2000, Geneva) said “The ultimate goals of development are to improve living conditions for people and to empower them to participate fully in the economic, political and social arenas.” This development must be achieved for all people, without discrimination, normal or disabled.

Right to Participation

We believe that all disabled children and young people communicate and have a right to have their views heard. We often let them make certain choices and also include them in all activities to participate on all occasions.


Right to Equality & Non-Discimination

In everyday life, mentally handicapped persons are not treated equally with their neighbours, colleagues, etc. In addition to being frequently refused entry to bars, restaurants, swimming pools, discotheques, etc., they are often not allowed into hotels and regularly face enormous difficulties in finding accommodation, even in apartments, particularly when they are in groups. We have gradually sensitized the society at large and these children are now accepted at most places.
Although, sadly, prejudices still exist.


Right to Integrity

No one should ever treat a disabled person as less of a person or interfere with their minds and bodies. People have the right to be respected by others just as they are. We have tried our best to maintain the integrity of each child who are now gradually stepping into their teens.


Right to Inclusion & Participation

Right to Inclusion and participation in cultural, recreation, leisure and sport life. Inclusive education is commonly and rightly associated with the mainstream participation of learners with impairments and those categorized as having ‘special educational needs’. These activities have enabled our children to be brought into mainstream society.


Registration No.: S/29637 of 1980-81 under W.B Societies & Registration Act 1961

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Society for Indian Children's Welfare

20 & 22, Colonel Biswas Road, Beck Bagan,

Ballygunge, Kolkata - 700019 West Bengal, INDIA

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366, Prantik Pally, Kolkata - 700107 West Bengal, INDIA

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