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All Adoptions, both In country & Inter-country, are regulated & monitored online by Central Adoption Resource Agency (CARA) through their online portal CARINGS

Prospective Adoptive Parents(PAPS) are required to visit for Adoption process & Registration.

Present Adoption procedures are guided by the new Adoption Regulations of 2016 by Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India.

For more information on Adoption

Central Adoption Resource Authority, 
Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India
West Block 8, Wing 2, 
2nd Floor, R.K. Puram, 
New Delhi-110066 (India)
Tel: +91-11-26180194 
E-mail : 
For adoption queries: CARA
Toll-Free No: 1800 11 1311 
Available between 9:30AM to 5:30PM in all workings days (Mon-Fri)

SICW is proud to be one of the reputed and experienced Adoption Agencies in India who standby our reputation for honesty, transparency and compliance with legal and professional standards for adoption. We have played a pivotal role in promoting good practices of placing children in adoption with loving families. We were set up with a mission to provide quality care to abandoned and destitute underprivileged children in residential care with the sole belief that Institutions should only be a temporary shelter for these children till we are able to place them in loving adoptive families.


Adoption involves the creation of a new family, a new parent-child relationship between individuals who are not biologically related. But it also ensures that the adopted child will rightfully receive all the same rights and benefits as those born into a family. Adoptive parents make an unconditional commitment towards the physical, emotional, medical, psychological and social needs of a child.

We strongly advocate and counsel prospective adoptive parents not to get trapped in going in for illegal adoptions from nursing homes, hospitals or private adoptions. Legal adoptions have some important basic advantages:


(1) It minimizes such risks as the adoption of unhealthy children without previous medical checks, access to the adoptive parents identity by the natural mother and the perennial fear of the biological mother changing her decision about the adoption

(2) It minimises the risk that the child will be adopted by unfit parents as there is a stringent investigation of the PAPs.

SICW’s adoption program is caring and comprehensive

  • Adoption placement services

  • Adoption concept promotion

  • Counselling for both the the adoptive parents as well as the adoptee

  • Skill enhancement training

  • Policy advocacy for a common adoption law

  • ‘Roots’ program to stay in touch with adopted children 


SICW has successfully placed over 2000 children in adoption, both healthy as well as those with minor and severe special needs. Our specialized pediatric medical unit has saved many a child brought to us in a precarious state. Children brought to us are given the best of care, be it medical, educational or all round development of the child. Post adoption of the child we continue to nurture the important bond between Agency and the adoptive family so the adoptee is always welcome to visit us as her need to search for her roots deepens. This is particularly true of those placed in international adoptions. Every visit to their country of birth and to SICW is a deeply emotional experience for our adoptees and they leave with a feeling of having somewhat come to terms with their roots.

While all details are available on the Central Adoption Resource Agency’s (CARA) website, we welcome prospective adoptive parents to visit us for any clarifications and support regarding the process. It is important that prospective parents prepare themselves in all respects so the adoption experience is a happy one for both parent and child. Though the adoption procedure is now CARA centralized and online, our social workers are always available to render help to anyone looking for help in getting the process started towards fulfilling their dreams of adopting a child.

Stories from the Heart

Nelson Family
A Letter from JOYEE's parents; KATE & DOM

We came to SICW in January 2015 to meet our daughter and bring her home. It was clear from our time at SICW the depth of feeling and the commitment to the children in their care.


We are so grateful that our daughter was in such a nurturing place, a place of great warmth, love and respect as she waited to join our family. She holds fond memories of SICW and talks often of her friends and the people there. We are so pleased to have ongoing contact with the lovely SICW staff and grateful for their ongoing interest in our daughter’s well being.


The Nelson Family can't begin to put into words how grateful we are to The Society for Indian Children’s Welfare. When our beautiful daughter was brought to them during the first week of her life, they were there to love and care for her, until we could get there to bring her home. Amrita has known she was smart, beautiful, amazing and loved her entire life, and that is something that cannot be replaced. They cared for her complicated medical issues and helped her to thrive and grow into the amazing little girl she is today! She was given an excellent preschool education, and the bonds she formed with her care takers, teachers, and therapists are bonds she still speaks fondly of today. She does not have the trust and fear issues many orphans have because she has always known she is special and valuable and loved. 

Adoption is a beautiful thing, and in the world of adoption, I would challenge anyone to find a facility or organization as amazing as SICW. It is hard to even put into words! She is just so amazing and I tell people all the time that we owe much of her success the staff at SICW. I have friends who have adopted from other countries and they are amazed at how beautiful and wonderfully adjusted Amrita is.

We owe them our greatest gratitude and thanks for helping us become this precious little girl's forever family. Amrita Susan Nelson is the happy little girl she is today because of the wonderful love she was given in her early years there.


SICW gave us the greatest gift this family has ever been blessed with, and that we will never forget.

Registration No.: S/29637 of 1980-81 under W.B Societies & Registration Act 1961

​​Call us: (12pm-3pm)

+91 (33) 22807176


Society for Indian Children's Welfare

20 & 22, Colonel Biswas Road, Beck Bagan,

Ballygunge, Kolkata - 700019 West Bengal, INDIA

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JAN SEVA - A Project of SICW

366, Prantik Pally, Kolkata - 700107 West Bengal, INDIA

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